





C  U V W X Y Z

ëèòåðàòóðà: U V W X Y Z ðóññêèå


Calman W.T. 1904. On the classification of the Crustacea Malacostraca. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.7) 13: 144–158. [Peracarida, Hoplocarida, Eucarida]

Calman W.T. 1910. Crustacea. // Encyclopaedia Britannica, ed.11, vol.7: 552–561. [Thyrostraca]

Cambridge O.P. 1872. On a new family and genus and two new species of Thelyphonidea. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.4) 10: 409–413. [Tartarides]

*Cantell C.-E., Franzen A. & Sensenbaugh T. 1982. Ultrastructure of multiciliated collar cells in the pilidium larva of Lineus bilineatus (Nemertini). // Zoomorphology 101(1): 1–15.

Canestrini G. 1891. Abbozzo del sistema acarologico // Prospetto dell' Acarofauna italiana. Padova, 5: 561–587. [Astigmata, Hydracarina, Cryptostigmata]

Carayon J. 1971. Notes et documents sur l'appareil odorant metathoracique des Hemipters. // Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (N.S.) 7(4): 737–770. [Archeocorisae, «Geocorisae»]

Carle F.L. 1982. Thoughts on the origin of insect flight. // Entomological News 93(5): 159–172. [Neopalaeoptera, Eupalaeoptera]

*Carle F.L. 1986. The classification, phylogeny and biogeography of the Gomphidae (Anisoptera). I. Classification. // Odonatologica 15(3): 275–326.

$Carpenter F.M. 1930. The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Pt. 3. The Protohymenoptera. // Phyche 37: 343–374.

Carpenter F.M. 1931. The lower Permian insects of Kansas. Pt. 2. The orders Palaeodictyoptera, Protodonata, and Odonata. // American Journal of Science (ser.5) 21(122): 97–139. [Protanisoptera]

*Carpenter F.M. 1933. The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Part 6. Delopteridae, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera, and a new collection of Protodonata, Odonata, Megasecoptera, Homoptera and Psocoptera. // Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 68(11): 411–503.

*Carpenter F.M. 1939. The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Part 8. Additional Megasecoptera, Protodonata, Odonata, Homoptera, Psocoptera, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera and Protoperlaria. // Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73: 29–70. [Meganisopterida]

*Carpenter F.M. 1943. Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France: Part I. Introduction and families Protagriidae, Meganeuriidae, and Campylopteridae. // Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 54: 527–554.

*Carpenter F.M. 1963a. Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France: Part IV. The genus Triplosoba. // Psyche 70(2): 120–128.

*Carpenter F.M. 1963b. Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France: Part V. The genus Diaphanoptera and the order Diaphanopterodea. // Psyche 70: 240–256. 

*Carpenter F.M. 1972. The affinities of Eomerope and Dinopanorpa (Mecoptera). // Psyche 79(1–2): 79–87. 

*Carpenter F.M. 1979. Lower Permian insects from Oklahoma. Part 2. Orders Ephemeroptera and Palaeodictyoptera. // Psyche 86: 261–290.

*Carpenter F.M. 1987. Review of the extinct family Syntonopteridae (order uncertain). // Psyche 94(3–4): 373–388.

*Carpenter F.M. & Richardson E.S., Jr. 1968. Megasecopterous nymphs in Pennsylvanian concretions from Illinois. // Psyche 75(4): 285–309.

*Carpenter F. M. & Richardson E.S., Jr. 1971. Additional insects in Pennsylvanian concretions from Illinois. // Psyche 78(4): 267–295.

*Carroll S.B. 1995. Homeotic genes and the evolution of arthropods and chordates. // Nature 376: 479–485.

Cavalier-Smith T. 1981. Eukaryotic kingdoms, seven or nine? // BioSystems 14: 461–481. [Viridiplantae]

Cavalier-Smith T. 1987. The origin of eukaryote and archaebacterial cells. // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 503: 17–54. [Neomura, Opisthoconta]

Cavalier-Smith T. 1993. Kingdom Protozoa and Its 18 Phyla. // Microbiological Reviews 57 (4): 953–994. [Biota]

Cavalier-Smith T. 1998. A revised six-kingdom system of life. // Biological Review of the Cambridge Phylosophgical Society 73(3): 203–266. [Haemopoda]

*Chadwick L.E. 1959. Spinasternal musculature in certain insect orders. // Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 137: 117–156.

*Chagas A., Edgecombe G.D. & Minelli A. 2008. Variability in trunk segmentation in the centipede order Scolopendromorpha: a remarkable new species of Scolopendropsis Brandt (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) from Brasil. // Zootaxa 1888: 36–46.

Chalande J. 1903. Myriapodes de France. // Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 36: 65–59. [Pulmonata, Tracheata]

Chapman T. A. 1893. XVII, On a lepidopterous pupa (Micropteryx purpurella) with functionally active mandibles. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 1893: 255–265.

Chapman T.A. 1917. Micropteryx entitled to ordinal rank. Order Zeugloptera. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London (1916) pt.3/4: 310–314. [Zeugloptera]

Chatton E. 1925. Pansporella perplexa amoebien a spores protegees parasite des Daphnies. Reflexiones sur la biologie et la phylogenie des Protozoiires. // Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie) (ser.7) 3: 5–84. [Procaryota, Eucaryota]

*Chaudonneret J. 1950. La morphologie cephelique de Thermobia domestica (Packard). // Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie et Biol. Anim.) (ser.11) 12: 145–302.

*Chaudonneret J. 1973. Interpretation des formations dites endosquellettiques du Collembole Isotomurus (Insecte Apterygote Entotrophe). I – Formations cuticulaires et pseudo-tentorium. // Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 98(1): 11–22. 

Chen S.H. 1958 (Öèòèðîâàíî ïî: Chen 1962). [Apterentoma, Pterentoma]

Chen S.H. 1962. [Types of insect metamorphosis and a new system of insect classification]. // Acta Entomologica Sinica 11(1): 1–15 (êèò., ðåç. àíãë.). [«Insecta», Epimorpha, Eometabola, Oligomorpha, Heterognatha, Urota, Anurota]

Cheng L. (ed.) 1976. Marine ønsects. / North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam: I–XII + 581 p.

[Chernyshev A.V.] ×åðíûøåâ À.Â. 2011. Ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ ìîðôîëîãèÿ, ñèñòåìàòèêà è ôèëîãåíèÿ íåìåðòèí. / Âëàäèâîñòîê, Äàëüíàóêà: 1–309.

China W.E. 1924. A new genus of Peloridiidae (Hemiptera) from Tasmania. // Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 60: 199–203. [Pseudohomoptera]

*China W.E. 1962. South American Peloridiidae. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 114: 131–161.

*Choe J.C. 1989. Zorotypus gurneyi, new species from Panama and redescription of Z. barberi Gurney (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). // Annals of the Entomological Society of America 82(2): 149–155.

Cholodkovsky N. 1903. Zur Morphologie der Pediculiden. // Zoologischer Anzeiger 27(4): 120–125. [Pseudorhynchota]

Chopard L. 1920. Recherches sur la conformation et le développement des derniers segments abdominaux chez les orthoptères. // Thèses présentèes a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris (ser.A) No.847, No. d'ordre 1646. Rennes, Imprimerie Oberthur: 7–338. [Ensifera]

*Cisne J.L. 1975. Anatomy of Triarthrus and the relationship of the Trilobita. // Fossils & Strata 4: 45–63. 

Clairville J, de. 1798–1806. Helvetische Entomologie. Bd.1–2. / Zurich. [Pterophora, Mandibulata, Dictyoptera, Haustellata, Elytroptera, Hemimeroptera, Elytroptera, Adephagi, Phleboptera, Rophoteira, Halteriptera, Lepidioptera]

Claus C. 1868. Grundzüge der Zoologie zum Gebrauche an Universitäten und höhern Lehranstalten. // Marburg und Leipzig. N.G. Elwert'sche Universitäts-Bihhandlung: 1–838. [Salientia]

Claus C. 1880. Der Zoologie zum wissenschaftichen Gebrauche. 4. Auflage. Bd.1. / Marburg, N.G. Elwert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung: 1–838. [Leptostraca]

Claus C. 1887. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 4. Auflage. / N. G. Elwertsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Marburg, Leipzig  [Platyhelminthes]

*Clay T. 1949. Piercing mouth-parts in the biting lice (Mallophaga). // Nature 164: 617.

*Clerck C. 1757. Svenska spidlar uti sina hufvud-slagter indelte samt under nagra och sextio sarskildte arter beskrefne och med illuminerade figurer uplyste / Aranei svecici, descriptioniti, speciebus ultra LX determinati. / Stockholmiae, Literis Laur. Salvii: 1–154, Pl. 1–6.

Common I.F.B. 1975. Evolution and classification of the Lepidoptera. // Annual Review of Entomology 20: 183–203. [Exoporia]

^Comstock J.H. 1892. The descent of the Lepidoptera. An application of the theory of natural selection to taxonomy. // In: Putham F.W. (ed.). Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 41st Meeting. / Salem Press Publishing: 199–201. [Frenatae, Jugatae]

^Comstock J.H. 1893. Evolution and taxonomy. An essay on the application of the classification of the theory of natural selection in the classification of animals and plants, illustrated by a study of wings of insects, and by a contribution to the classification of the Lepidoptera. / The Comstock Publ. Co., Ithaca, New York: 39–113. [Macrojugatae, Microjugatae, Macrofrenatae]

^Comstock J.H. 1918a. The wings of insects. / The Comstock Publ. Co., Ithaca, New York: 1–430.

Comstock J.H. 1918b. Nymphs, naiads, and larvae. // Annals of the Entomological Society of America 11(2): 222–224.

^Comstock J.H. & Needham J.G. 1898–1899. The wings of insects. // The American Naturalist, 1898, Vol. 32(373): 43–48; (374): 81–89; (376): 231–257; (377): 335–340; (378): 413–424; (380): 561–565; (381): 769–777; (384): 903–911; 1899, Vol. 33: 117–126; 573; 845; 851; 853; 858.

^Comstock J.H. & Needham J.G. 1899. The wings of insects. Reprinted from The American Naturalist, with the addition of a table of contents. / Ithaca, N.Y.: 1–124.

Cook O.F. 1896–1897. Brandtia; a series of occasional papers on Diplopoda and other Arthropoda. / Huntington, New York: 1–75. (Öèòèðîâàíî ïî: Cook 1899a). [Rhabdura, Dicellura]

Cook O.F. 1899a. New Dicellura. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 4: 222–229.

Cook O.F. 1899b. Hubbardia, a new genus of Pedipalpi. // Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 4: 249–261. [Toxicura, Maripalpi, Colopyga, Rhignogastra]

*Cooper B. 1938. The internal anatomy of Corioxenos antestiae Blair (Strepsiptera). // Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (ser.A) 13: 31–54.

*Cooper K.W. 1964. The first fossil tardigrade: Beorn leggi Cooper from Cretaceous amber. // Psyche 71: 41–48. 

*Courtney G.W. 1994. Biosystematics of the Nymphomyinae (Insecta: Diptera): life history, morphology and phylogenetic relationships. // Smitsonian Contributions to Zoology, No.550: 1–41.

Crampton G.C. 1909. A contribution to the comparative morphology of the thoracic sclerites of insects. // Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 61: 3–54. [furcasternum, spinasternum]

Crampton G.C. 1914 The ground plan of a typical thoracic segment in winged insects. // Zoologischer Anzeiger 44: 56–67. [subalare, basalare]

Crampton G.C. 1915. The thoracic sclerites and the systematic position of Grylloblatta campodeiformes Walker, a remarkable annectant, «Orthopteroid» insect. // Entomological News 26(10): 337–350. [Palaeoptera, Notoptera, Cheleutoptera, «Dictyoptera», Palaeopteradelphia, Diphtheroptera, Plecodermaptera]

Crampton G.C. 1916a. The lines of descent of the lower pterygotan insects. // Entomological News 27(6): 244–258; (7): 297–307. [Rhabduradelphia, Proturadelphia, Plectopteradelphia, ZygopteradelphiaPanzygoptera, Meganeuroptera, Euplatyptera, Eudictyoptera, Clinoptera, Euhemiptera, Euhomoptera, Neurohomoptera, Mesohomoptera, Coniohomoptera, Clinohomoptera, Microhomoptera, Dictyneuroptera, Aponeuroptera, Meganeuroptera, Prohymenoptera, Promecoptera, Prodiptera, Mesodiptera, Eudiptera, Apodiptera, Metadiptera, Tricholepidoptera, Eulepidoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1916b. The orders and relationships of Apterygotan insects. // Journal of the New York Entomological Socociety 24: 267–301. [Rhabduradelphia, Eustyligera, Prodicellura, Astyligera, Proturadelphia, Eupodura, Patiropodura, Thysanuradelphia, Trinemura, Mononemura]

Crampton G.C. 1917. A phylogenetic study of lateral head, neck and prothoracic regions in some Apterygota and lower Pterygota. // Entomological News 28(9): 398–412. [Panplecoptera, Panorthoptera, Pandictyoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1918. The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures of male Neuroptera and Mecoptera with notes on the Psocidae, Diptera and Trichoptera. // Psyche 25: 47–59, pls. 2–3. [Panhomoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1919. Notes on phylogeny of the Orthoptera. // Entomological News 30 (2): 42–48; (3): 64–72. [«Panplecoptera», Panisoptera, Panneuroptera]

Crampton G.C. 1920. Notes on the lines of descent of lower winged insects. // Psyche 27: 116–127. [Panprotura, Panthysanura, Panpalaeodictyoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1924. The phylogeny and classification of the insects. // Journal of Entomology and Zoology 16: 33–47. [Mesapterygota, Protapterygota, Dicelluradelphia, Pandicellura, Cinuradelphia, Pancinura, Eucinura, Protothysanura, Archipteradelphia, Panarchiptera, Tylopteradelphia, Pantyloptera, Prototyloptera, Tyloptera, Neopterygota, Orthopteradelphia, Hemipteradelphia, Panhemiptera, Lipopteradelphia, Panlipoptera, Pancoleoptera, Panmecoptera, Pronematocera, Paranematocera]

Crampton G.C. 1927. The abdominal structures of the orthopteroid family Grylloblattidae and the relationships of the group. // The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 3(3): 115–135. [«Panplecoptera», Metorthoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1928a. The grouping of the insect orders and their lines of descent. // Entomologist 61: 85. [Panephemeroptera, Protephemeroptera, Panaeshnoptera, Protaeshnoptera, Aeshnoptera, Panmegasecoptera, Eudiaphanoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1928b. The evolution of the head region in lower Arthropods and its bearing upon the origin and relationships of the Arthropodan groups. // The Canadian Entomologist 60(12): 284–301. [Amphigradi, Cephalogradi, Cormogradi]

Crampton G.C. 1930. The wings of the remarkable archaic mocopteron Notiothauma reedi McLachlan with remarks on their Protoblattoid affinities. // Psyche 37(1): 83–103. [«Protomecoptera», Eumecoptera, Metamecoptera, Neomecoptera]

Crampton G.C. 1938. The interrelationships and lines of descent of living insects. // Psyche 45(4): 165–181. [Styligera, Palaeopterygota, Ephemeropteria, Plecopteria, Isopteria, Parametabola, Panpsocoptera, Psocopteria, Neuropteria, Panhymenoptera]

^Crichton M.I. 1957. The structure and function of the mouth parts of adult caddis flies (Trichoptera). // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 241: 45–91.

Crowson R.A. 1955. Natural classification of the families of Coleoptera. / London, Nathaniel Lloyd & Co., ltd.: 1–214. [Myxophaga]

Crowson R.A. 1981. The biology of Coleoptera. / London, Academic: 1–802. [Protocoleoptera, Archecoleoptera]

*Currie G.A. 1932. Some notes on the biology and morphology of the immature stage of Harpobittacus tillyardi (order Mecoptera). // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 57: 116–122, Pl.IV.

Cutten F.E.A. & Kewan D.K.McE., 1970. The Nymphomyidae (Diptera), with special reference to Palaeodipteron walkeri Ide and its larva in Quebeck, and a description of a new genus and species from India. // Canadian Journal of Zoology 48: 1–24. [Archaeodiptera]

Cuveir G. 1798. Tableau elementaire de l'histoire naturelle des animaux. / Paris, Baudouin: 1–710, pl.1–28. [Arachnida, Agnatha]

Cuvier G. 1799–1805. Lecons d'anatomie comparee. T.1–4. / Paris, Baudouin. [Branchiopoda, Seticaudes]

Cuvier G. 1817. Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparee. / Paris, Deterville, T.1–4. [Articulata, «Insecta»]