





C  U V W X Y Z

ëèòåðàòóðà: U V W X Y Z ðóññêèå


Kästner A. 1954–1956. Lehrbuch der speziellen Zoologie. Teil I: Wirbellose. / Jena, Fischer: I–XIV + 1–483. [Amandibulata]

*Karny H.H. 1922. Zorapteren aus Sud-Sumatra. // Treubia 3(1): 14–37.

Kamenz C., Staude A. & Dunlop J.A. 2011. Sperm carriers in Silurian sea scorpions. // Naturwissenschaften 98(10): 889–896.[Sclerophorata]

Karsch F. 1898. Giebt es ein System der recenten Lepidoptetren auf phyletischer Basis? // Entomologische Nachrichten 24(19): 296303. [Isoneuria, Anisoneuria]

*Kathirithamby J. 1989. Review of the order Strepsiptera. // Systematic Entomology 14(1): 41–92.

^Keil Th.A. 1997. Functional morphology of insect mechanorecerptors. // Microscopy Research and Technique 38: 506–631.

*Keilin D. 1915. Researches sur les larves de Dipteres Cyclorhaphes. // Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique 49: 15–198.

*Keilin D. 1944. Respiratory system and respiratory adaptations in larvae and pupae of Diptera. // Parasitology 36(1/2): 1–66. 

*Keler S. 1961. Mandibelrudimente der Anopluren und ihre stammesgeneschichtliche Bedeutung. // Beitraege zur Entomologie 11(7/8): 930–942.

Keler S. 1962. Mandibelrudimente der Anopluren und ihre syngenetische Bedeutung. II. Vollwertige Mandibeln dei Hybophthirus notophallus Neumann. // Zetschrift für Parasitenkunde 22(2): 151–175. [Tentoriata, Atentoria]

*Kelsey L.P. 1957. The skeleto-motor mechanism of the dobson fly, Corydalus cornutus. Part II. Pterothorax. // Memoirs of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station 346: 1–31.

Kellogg V.L. 1896. The Mallophaga. // Psyche 7(241): 375–379. [Amblycera, Ischnocera]

Kenyon F.C. 1895. The morphology and classification of the Pauropoda with notes on the morphology of Diplopoda. // Tifts College Studies No.4: 77–146. [Protodiplopoda]

Kevan D.K. 1976. Suprafamilial classification of «Orthopteroid» and related insects, applying the principles of symbolic logic – A draft scheme for discussion and consideration. // In: XV International Congress of Entomology, Washington, August 1976. // Notes of the Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory 2: 1–24. Ïåðåïå÷àòàíî: Kevan D. K. McE. 1977. The higher classification of the orthopteroid insects: a general view. Suprafamilial classification of «orthopteroid» and related insects; a draft cheme for discussion and consideration. // Mem. Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory 4: 1–27. (Цитировано по: Vickery & Kevan 1983). [Dictuopteroida, Cheleutopteroidea]

Kevan D.K. & Knipper H. 1961. Geradflügler aus Ostafrika. // Beiträge zur Entomologie 11(3–4): 356–413. [Orthopteroida, Dermapteroida]

*Kim Ch.-W. 1959. The differentiation center including the development from larva to adult leg in Pieris brassicae (Lepidoptera) // Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology 7(4): 572–582.

*Kingsley J.S. 1888. The riverside natural hisory. Vol. II. crustacea and insects. / Boston & New York: 1–579. 

Kingsley J.S. 1894. The classification of the Arthropoda. // The American Naturalist 28 (326): 118–135, 220–235. [Eucrustacea, «Insecta»]

Kinzelbach R. 1969. Ein phylogenetisches System der Fächerflügler (Insecta: Strepsiptera). Naturwissenschaften 56(12): 639–640.

*Kinzelbach R.K. 1971. Morphologische Befunde an Fächerflüglern und ihre phylogenetische Bedeutung (Insecta: Strepsiptera). // Zoologica, Stuttgart 119(1–2): 1–256. 

*Kinzelbach R.K. 1990. The systematic position of Strepsiptera (Insecta). // American Entomologist 36(4): 292–303.

*Kinzelbach R. & Pohl H. 1994. The fossil Strepsiptera (Insecta: Strepsiptera). // Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87(1): 59–70. 

Kirby W. 1813. VI. Strepsiptera, a new order of insects proposed; and the characters of the order, with those of its genera laid down. // The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 11: 86–123. [Strepsiptera, Trichoptera]

Kirby W.F. 1892. Elementary textbook of entomology. 2nd edition. / London: 1–281. [Diplomerata]

Kirby W. & Spence W. 1816.  An introduction to entomology. 2nd edition Vol.1. / London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown: [Aphaniptera]

Kirby W. & Spence W. 1815–1826.  An introduction to entomology. Vol.4. / London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [cercus, caudula]

Kirejtshuk A.G., Poschmann M., Prokop J., Garrouste R. & Nel A. 2014. Evolution of the elytral venation and structural adaptations in the oldest Palaeozoic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Tshekardocoleidae). // Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 12(5): 575–600.

Kiriakoff S.G. 1948. A classification of the Lepidoptera and related groups with some remarks on taxonomy. // Biologisch Jaarboek, Antwerpen 15: 118–143. [Amphiesmenoptera, Hoplostomatoptera, Aplostomatoptera, Nannolepidoptera, Eulepidoptera]

Klapálek F. 1905. Conspectus Plecopterorum Bohemiae. // Casopis Ceské Spolecnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Bohemiae) 2: 27–32. [Subulipalpia, Filipalpia]

Klapálek F. 1909. II. Plecoptera, Steinfliegen. // In: Brauer A. Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands. Eine Exkursionsfauna. / Verlag von Gustav Fischer, Jena 55: 33–95 [Setipalpia]

*Klass K.-D. 2001. The female abdomen of the viviparous earwig Hemimerus vosseleri (Insecta: Dermaptera: Hemimeridae), with a discussion of the postgenital abdomen of Insecta. // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 131: 251–307.

*Klass K.-D. 2003. The female genitalic region in basal earwigs (Insecta: Dermaptera: Pygidicranidae s.l.). // Entomologische Abhandlungen 61(2): 173–225.

*Klass K.-D. & Kristensen N.P. 2001. The ground plan and affinities of hexapods: recent progress and open problems. // Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (N.S.) 37(1–2): 265–298. 

*Klass K.-D., Picker M.D., Damgaard J., van Noort S. & Tojo K. 2003. The taxonomy, genitalic morphology, and phylogenetic relationships of Southern African Mantophasmatodea (Insecta). // Entomologische Abhandlungen 61(1): 3–67.

*Klass K.-D., Zompro O., Kristensen N.P. & Adis J. 2002. Mantophasmatodea: A new order with extinct members in the Afrotropics. // Science 296 (5572): 1456–1459.

Klausnitzer B. 1975. Probleme der Abgrenzung von Unterordungen bei den Coleoptera. // Entomologische Abhandlungen. Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden 40(8): 169–275. [Pantophaga]

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1989. Âîïðîñ î ãîìîëîãèè òðàõåéíûõ æàáð è ïàðàíîòàëüíûõ âûðîñòîâ ëè÷èíîê ïîäåíîê è êðûëüåâ íàñåêîìûõ â ñâÿçè ñ ñèñòåìàòèêîé è ôèëîãåíèåé îòðÿäà ïîäåíîê (Ephemeroptera). // ×òåíèÿ ïàìÿòè Õîëîäêîâñêîãî: äîêëàäû íà 41-ì åæåãîäíîì ÷òåíèè ïàìÿòè Í.À. Õîëîäêîâñêîãî 1 àïðåëÿ 1988 ã. / Ëåíèíãðàä, Íàóêà: 48–77.

Kluge N.J. 1993. New data on mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from fossil Mesozoic and Cenozoic resins. // Palaeontological Journal 27(1A): 35–49. [Anteritorna]

*Kluge N.J. 1994. Pterothorax structure of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and its use in systematics. // Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 99(1): 41–61.

*Kluge N.J. 1996a. A new suborder of Thysanura for the Carboniferous insect originally described as larva of Bojophlebia, with comments on characters of the orders Thysanura and Ephemeroptera. // Zoosystematica Rossica 4(1): 71–75.

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1996b. Ìèôû â ñèñòåìàòèêå íàñåêîìûõ è ïðèíöèïû çîîëîãè÷åñêîé íîìåíêëàòóðû. // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå Îáîçðåíèå 75(4): 939–944.

Kluge N.J. 1997. Classification and phylogeny of the Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) with description of the new species from the Upper Cretaceous resins of Taimyr. // In: P. Landolt & M. Sartori (eds.). Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Biology-Ecology-Systematics. Mauron+ Tinguely & Lacht SA, Fribourg/Switzerland: 527–535.

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1998. Àëüòåðíàòèâíûå ïðèíöèïû íîìåíêëàòóðû – ðàíãîâûé, îáúåìíûé è èåðàðõè÷åñêèé, èëè êàê îáîéòèñü áåç ðàíãîâ â òàêñîíîìè÷åñêîé ðàáîòå. //  êí.: Ïðîáëåìû ýíòîìîëîãèè â Ðîññèè. Ñáîðíèê íàó÷íûõ òðóäîâ XI Ñúåçäà Ðóññêîãî Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîãî îáùåñòâà (23–26 ñåíòÿáðÿ 1997 ã., Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã). / Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé èíñòèòóò ÐÀÍ, ò.1: 187–188.

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1999a. Ñèñòåìà àëüòåðíàòèâíûõ íîìåíêëàòóð íàäâèäîâûõ òàêñîíîâ. // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå Îáîçðåíèå 78 (1): 224–243. 

*Kluge N.J. 1999b. Mitos en sistematica y principos de nomenclatura zoologica / Myths in systematics and principles of zoological nomenclature. // Boletin de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 26: 347–377.

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1999c. Ëèííååâñêàÿ è ïîñòëèííååâñêàÿ ñèñòåìàòèêà íàäâèäîâûõ òàêñîíîâ è íîâûå ïðèíöèïû íîìåíêëàòóðû. // Ðóññêèé Îðíèòîëîãè÷åñêèé Æóðíàë, ýêñïðåññ-âûïóñê 79: 3–21.

[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 1999d. Ñèñòåìàòèêà íàñåêîìûõ. ×àñòü ïåðâàÿ. Ïåðâè÷íîáåñêðûëûå è äðåâíåêðûëûå. / Èçäàòåëüñòâî Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðãñêîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà: 1–187.

[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2000. Ñîâðåìåííàÿ ñèñòåìàòèêà íàñåêîìûõ. ×àñòü I. Ïðèíöèïû ñèñòåìàòèêè æèâûõ îðãàíèçìîâ è îáùàÿ ñèñòåìà íàñåêîìûõ ñ êëàññèôèêàöèåé ïåðâè÷íîáåñêðûëûõ è äðåâíåêðûëûõ. / Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðã, «Ëàíü»: 1–336. [Euephemeroptera]

*[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2002. Ãîìîëîãèÿ ðîòîâûõ ÷àñòåé áëîõ (Aphaniptera). // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå Îáîçðåíèå 81(4): 808–816.

[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2003. Îá ýâîëþöèè è ãîìîëîãèè ãåíèòàëüíûõ ïðèäàòêîâ íàñåêîìûõ. // Òðóäû Ðóññêîãî Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîãî Îáùåñòâà 74: 3–16. [Brachydermaptera]

Kluge N.J. 2004a. The phylogenetic system of Ephemeroptera. / Kluwer Academic Publishers: 1–442. [tergalius, caudalius]

Kluge N.J. 2004b. Larval leg structure of Nannochorista and characteristics of Mecoptera. // Russian Entomological Journal (2003) 12(4): 349–354. [Panzygothoraca, Scorpiomusci]

Kluge N.J. 2005a. Larval/pupal leg transformation and a new diagnosis for the taxon Metabola Burmeister, 1832 = Oligoneoptera Martynov, 1923. // Russian Entomological Journal (2004) 13(4): 189–229. [Glossolepidoptera]

Kluge N.J. 2005b. Metamorphosis and homology of mouthparts in Neuropteroidea (Hexapoda: Metabola), with remarks on systematics and nomenclature. // Russian Entomological Journal 14(2): 87–100 [Birostrata].

Kluge N.J. 2007. Case 3371. Araneidae Clerck, 1758, Araneus Clerck, 1758 and Tegenaria Latreille, 1804 (Arachnida, Araneae): proposed conservation. // Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 64(1): 15–18.

Kluge N.J. 2009a. New version of the database «Ephemeroptera of the World» as the first experience of a permanent and objective web catalogue in biology. // pp 167180 In: A.H. Staniczek (ed.): International Perspectives in Mayfly and Stonefly Research // Aquatic Insects, Volume 31, Supplement 1: 1739.

Kluge N.J. 2009b. Higher system of Atalophlebiinae (Leptophlebiidae) with description of three new species of Terpides s.l. from Peruvian Amazonia. // Russian Entomological Journal 18(4): 243–256. [Atalophlebolinguata]

Kluge N.J. 2010a. Circumscriptional names of higher taxa in Hexapoda. // Bionomina 1: 15–55. [Holopandictyoptera, Cryptovipositoria, Oothecophora, Enteracantha, Pleuroptera]

Kluge N.J. 2010b. Paradoxical molting process in Orthezia urticae and other coccids (Arthroidignatha, Gallinsecta). // Zoosystematica Rossica 19(2): 246–271. [Psyllaleyroda, Aphidococca]

[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2012a. Êëàäîýíäåçèñ è íîâûé âçãëÿä íà ýâîëþöèþ ìåòàìîðôîçà ó íàñåêîìûõ. // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå îáîçðåíèå 91(1): 6378.

Kluge N.J. 2012b. General system of Neoptera with description of a new species of Embioptera. // Russian Entomological Journal 21(4): 371–384. [Idioprothoraca, Rhipineoptera]

Kluge N.J. 2013. Additions to the system of neopterous insects (Neoptera). // Òðóäû Ðóññêîãî ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîãî îáùåñòâà. Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðã [Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. St. Petersburg,], 84 (2): 53–60. [Tegminoptera, Scorpiomuscae, Calyptroptera]

Kluge N.J. 2015. Central Asian mountain Rhithrogenini (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) with pointed and ephemeropteroid claws in the winged stages. // Zootaxa 3994 (3): 301–353.

[Kluge] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2016. Ñòðîåíèå ÿéöåêëàäîâ è êëàäîýíäåçèñ ïðûãàþùèõ ïðÿìîêðûëûõ (Saltatoria, èëè Orchesopia). // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå îáîçðåíèå 95(4): 765–800. [Permorchesopia, Neorchesopia, Stratensifera, Acoustopoda, Mesensifera, Striduloptera, Tettigensifera, Gryllensifera, Vectocaelifera, Acoustogastra, kinetapophysis, exotaenidium]

[Kluge N.J.] Êëþãå Í.Þ. 2019. Êëàäîýíäåçèñ Parametabola è ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêîå ïîëîæåíèå âûìåðøåãî òàêñîíà Tetrastigmoptera taxon nov. // Ýíòîìîëîãè÷åñêîå îáîçðåíèå 98(2): 398–427. [Panphysapoda, Palaeophysapoda, Neothysanoptera, Tetrastigmoptera]

Kluge M.J. Nomina Circumscribentia Insectorum. Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò. Online at: http://www.insecta.bio.spbu.ru/z/nom/index.htm

Kluge N.J. Ephemeroptera of the World. Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò. Online at: http://www.insecta.bio.spbu.ru/z/Eph-spp/index.htm

Kluge N.J. Cladoendesis of Ephemeroptera. Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò. Online at: http://www.insecta.bio.spbu.ru/z/Eph-phyl/index.htm

Kluge N.J. & Novikova E.A. 2011. Systematics of the mayfly taxon Acentrella (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae), with description of new Asian and African species. // Russian Entomological Journal 20 (1): 1–56 [cladoendesis].

*[Kluge, Novikova & Brodsky] Êëþãå Í.Þ., Íîâèêîâà Å.À., Áðîäñêèé À.Ê. 1984. Äâèæåíèÿ ëè÷èíîê ïîäåíîê ïðè ïëàâàíèè, äûõàíèè è ÷èñòêå. // Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé Æóðíàë 63(9): 1345–1354.

Kluge N.J., Studemann D., Landolt P. & Gonser T. 1995. A reclassification of Siphlonuroidea (Ephemeroptera). // Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse 68: 103–132. [Posteritorna]

Koch M. 2003. Towards a phylogenetic system of the Zygentoma. // In: Klass K.-D. (ed.). Proceedings of the 1st Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny: “Phylogenetic Relationships within the Insect Orders” (Dresden, September 19–21, 2003): 122–125. // Entomologische Abhandlungen 61: 119–172.

Kolbe H. 1880. Naturliches System der carnivoren Coleopteren. // Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 24(1–2): 258–280. [Ephydrodephaga, Enhydrodephaga]

Kolbe H. 1903. Zur Systematik der Coleopteren. // Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Entomologie 8: 137–145. [Protadephaga]

Kolbe H. 1908. Mein System der Coleopteren. // Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insectenbiologie 4: 116–123, 153–62, 219–226, 246–251, 286–294, 389–400. [Archostemata]

Kolenati F.A. 1848. Genera et species Trichopterorum. 1. Heteropalpoidea. // Acta Regiae Bohemoslovenicae Societatis Scientiarum, Prague 6: 1–108. [Isopalpoidea, Heteropalpoidea]

Kolenati F.A. 1859. Genera et species Trichopterorum. Pars altera. Aequipalpidae cum dispositione systematica omnium Phryganidum. // Nouveaux Mémoires De La Société Impériale Des Naturalistes De Moscou 11:143–296. [Aequipalpidae, Inaequipalpidae]

Konov F.W. 1897. Zur Systematik der Hymenopteren. // Entomologische Nachrichten 23(10): 148–156. [Chalastogastra, Tristega]

Korschelt E. & Heider K. 1892. Lehbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere. Specieller Theil, 2.Heft. / Jena: 309–908. [Paurometabola]

Kramer P. 1877. Grundzüge zur Systematik der Milben. // Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Jahr.43. Bd.1: 215–247. [Prostigmata]

*Kramer S. 1950. The morphology and phylogeny of auchenorhynchous Homoptera (Insecta). // Univ. Illinois Press 20(4): 1–78, pl.1–16.

Kraus O. & Kraus M. 1993. Phylogenetisches System der Tracheata: die Frage nach der Schwerstergruppe der Insecten. // Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie 8(4–6): 441–445. [Labiophora]

*Krauss H.A. 1879: Die Orthopteren-Fauna Istriens. // Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (Abt.1) 78: 451–544, pl. 1–6.

Krausse A. & Wolff M. 1919. Eine Uebersicht uber die bisher aufgestellten fossilen und rezenten Insectenordungen. // Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A) 85(3): 151–171. [Tracheoidea, Agnatha, Carcinata, Craterostigmophora, Propleomerentoma, Pleomerentoma, Cryptognatha, Oligomerentoma, Phanerognatha, Eupleomerentoma, Amphibioticoidea, Perloptera, Cicadoptera, Psylloptera, Aleyroptera, Aphidioptera, Coccoptera, Megalopteroidea, Euneuropteroidea, Eumegalopterida]

*Kristensen N.P. 1981. Phylogeny of insect orders. // Annual Review of Entomology 26: 135–157.

*Kristensen N.P. 1984. Studies on the morphology and systematics of primitive Lepidoptera (Insecta) // Steenstrupia 10: 141–191.

Kristensen N.P. 1995. Forty years' insect phylogenetic systematics. // Zoologische Beitrage (N.F.) 36(1): 83–124. [Neodiptera]

*Kristensen N.P. 1999 (ed.). Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies. Vol.1: Evolution, systematics and biogeography. / Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

*Kristensen N.P. & Nielsen E.S. 1979. A new subfamily of Micropterigid moths from South America. A contribution to the morphology and phylogeny of the Micropterigidae, with a generic catalogue of the family (Lepidoptera: Zeugloptera). // Steenstrupia 5: 69–147.

Kristensen N.P. & Nielsen E. 1981. Intrinsic proboscis musculature in non-ditrysian Lepidoptera-Glossata: Structure and phylogenetic significance. // In: Cederholm L. (ed.). Advances in êëàäîýíäåçèñ íàñåêîìûõ and phylogeny. // Entomologia Scandinavica. Suppl.15: 300–304. [Myoglossata]

*Kristensen N.P. & Nielsen E.S. 1982. The Heterobathmia life history elucidated: Immature stages contradict assignment to suborder Zeugloptera (Insecta, Lepidoptera). // Zeitschrift für zoolologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 21(1): 1–80.

*Kristensen R.M. 1981. Sense organs of two marine arthrotatardigrades (Heterotardigrada, Tardigrada). // Acta Zollogica 62(1): 27–41.

*Kristensen R.M. 1987. Generic revision of the Echiniscidae (Heterotardigrada) with a discussion of the origin of the family. // Biology of Tardigrades / Mucchi Ed.: 261–335. 

$Kristensen R.M.  & Higgins R.P. 1989. Marine Tardigrada from the southern United States coastal waters. I. Paradoxipus orzeliscoides n. gen., n. sp. (Arthrotardigrada: Halechiniscidae). // Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 108(3): 262–282.

Krøyer H. 1846. Karcinilogiske Bidrag. // Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (ser.2) 2(2): 1–211. [Cumacea]

Krzeminski W. 1992. Trassic and Lower Jurassic stage of Diptera evolution // Mittelungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 65(1–2): 39–59. [Neoneura, Diarchineura]

*Krzeminski W. & Krzeminska E. 2003. Triassic Diptera: descriptions, revisions and phylogenetic relations. // Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 46 (suppl. – Fossil insects): 153–184. 

*Kukalova J. 1968. Permian mayfly nymphs. // Psyche 75(4): 310–327.

*Kukalova J. 1969–1970. Revisional stydy of the order Palaeodictyoptera in the Upper Carboniferous chales of Commentry, France. // Psyche 76(2): 163–215; 76(4): 439–486; 77(1): 1–44.

*Kukalova J. 1971. The structure of Dunbaria (Palaeodictyoptera). // Psyche 78: 306–318.

*Kukalova-Peck J. 1972. Unusual structures in the Palaeozoic insect orders Megasecoptera and Palaeodictyoptera, with a description of a new family. // Psyche 79(3): 243–268. 

*Kukalova-Peck J. 1983. Origin of the insect wing and articulation from the arthropod leg. // Canadian Journal of Zoology 61(7): 1618–1669. 

*Kukalova-Peck J. 1985. Ephemeroid wing venation based upon new gigantic Carboniferous mayflies and basic morphology, phylogeny, and metamorphosis of pterygote insects (Insecta, Ephemerida). // Canadian Journal of Zoology 63(4): 933–955. [Monocondylia, Odonatoephemerida]

Kukalova-Peck J. 1987. New Carboniferius Diplura, Monura, and Thysanura, the hexapod ground plan, and the role of thoracic side lobes in the origin of wings (Insecta). // Canadian Journal of Zoology 65: 2327–2345. [Parainsecta, Cercopodata, Cercofilata]

*Kukalova-Peck J. 1991. Fossil history and the evolution of Hexapod structures. // In: Naumann I.D. (ed.). The insects of Australia. / CSIRO, Melbourne Univ., Carlton: 141–179. [kinetodontium]

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