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Tiegs O.W. 1947. The development affinities of the Pauropoda, based on a study of Pauropus sylvaticus. // Quartely Journal of Microscopical Science 88: 165–336. [«Dignatha», «Trignatha», «Labiata»]
Tilgner E. 2001. The fossil record of Phasmida (Insecta: Neoptera). // êëàäîýíäåçèñ íàñåêîìûõ and Evolution (2000) 31: 473–480. [Euphasmida]
Tillyard R.J. 1916. Studies in Australian Neuroptera, IV. The families Ithonidae, Hemerobiidae, Sisyridae, Berothidae, and the new family Trichomatidae; with discussion of their characters and relationships, and descriptions of new and little-known genera and species. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 41(2), No.162: 269–332. [Hemerobioptera, Osmyloptera]
*Tillyard R.J. 1917a. The biology of dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera). / Cambridge Univ. Press: 1–396.
*Tillyard R.J. 1917b. On the morphology of the caudal gills of the larvae of Zygopterid dragonflies. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 42: 31–112, 606–632.
Tillyard R.J. 1917c. Mesozoic insects of Queensland. N1. Planipennia, Trichoptera, and a new order Protomecoptera. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 42(165): 175–200, Pl.7–9. [Protomecoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1917d. The wing-venation of Lepidoptera (preliminary report). // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 42: 167–174. [Homoneura, Heteroneura; macrotrichia, microtrichia]
Tillyard R.J. 1918a. Mesozoic insects of Queensland. No.3. Odonata and Protodonata. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 43(171): 417–436. [Meganeuroptera, Aeroplanoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1918b–1919a. The Panorpoid complex. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales: 1918, 43(170): 265–319 (Introduction, Part 1); (171): 626–657 (Part 2); 1919, 44(175): 533–718 (Part 3). [Homoneura, Jugo-frenata, Jugata, Heteroneura, Amplexiformia]
Tillyard R.J. 1919b. A fossil insect wing belonging to the new order Paramecoptera ancestral to Trichoptera and Lepidoptera, from the upper coalleasure of Newcastle, N.S.W. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 44(174): 321–256. [Eumecoptera]
*Tillyard R.J. 1923. On the larva and pupa of the genus Sabatinca (Order Lepidoptera, Family Micropterygidae). // Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1922: 437–453.
Tillyard R.J. 1924a. Kansas Permian Insects. Part 3. The new order Protohymenoptera. // American Journal of Science 8: 111–122. [Protohymenoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1924b. Upper Permian Coleoptera and a new order from the Belmont Beds, New South Wales. // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 49(4): 429–435, pls.45–56. [Protocoleoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1925. Kansas Permian Insects. Part V. The orders Protodonata and Odonata. // American Journal of Science, New Haven, Connecticut 10: 41–73. [Protozygoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1926. The insects of Australia and New Zealand. / Angus & Robertson, Sydney: 1–560, pl. 1–44. [Entotrophica, Ectotrophica, Parapsocida, Eupsocida]
*Tillyard R.J. 1928. Kansas Permian insects. Pt.12. The family Delopteridae, with discussion on its ordinal position. // American Journal of Science (ser.5) 16(96): 469–484.
Tillyard R.J. 1930. A new theory of the evolution of the insects. // Nature 126(3191): 996–998.
Tillyard R.J. 1931a. Kansas Permian insects. Part 13. The new order Protelytroptera, with a discussion of its relationships. // American Journal of Science (ser.5) 21: 231–266. [Elytroptera, Protelytroptera]
*Tillyard R.J. 1931b. The wing-venation of the order Isoptera. I. Introduction and the family Mastotermitidae. // The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol.56, pt.4, No.236: 371–390, Pl.21.
Tillyard R.J. 1932. Kansas Permian insects. Pt. 15. The order Plectoptera. // American Journal of Science (ser.5) 23: 97–134, 237–272. [Permoplectoptera, Euplectoptera]
Tillyard R.J. 1937. Kansas Permian insects. Pt. 18. The order Embiaria. // American Journal of Science (ser.5) 23(196): 241–151. [Euembiaria]
Tillyard R.J. & Fraser F.C. 1938. A reclassification of the order Odonata. Based on some new interpretations of the venation of dragonfly wings. // Australian Zoologist 9(2): 125–169. [Palaeodonata]
*Tjeder B. 1937. A contribution to the phylogeny of the Dilaridae and the Raphidiidae (Neuroptera). // Opuscula Entomologica 2: 138–148.
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Townsend V.R, Jr. & Felgenhauer B.E. 1998. Cuticular scales of spiders. // Invertebrate Biology 117(4): 318–330.
*Troster G. 1990. Der Kopf von Hybophthirus notophallus (Neumann) (Phthiraptera: Anoplura). Eine funktionsmorpholkogische und konsequent-phylogenetische Analyse. // Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde (ser.A) 442: 1–89.
Tullgren A. 1918. Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Hemipteren I. // Entomologisk Tidskfirt 39: 113–133. [Trichophora]
*Tuxen S.L. 1959. The phylogenetic significance of ontogeny in entognathous apterygotes. // Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 137: 379–416.
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