





C  U V W X Y Z

литература: U V W X Y Z русские


*Packard A.S. 1866. Observations on the development and position of the Hymenoptera, with notes on the morphology of insects. // Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 10: 279–295.

Packard A.S. 1879a. The Nebaliad Crustacea as types of a new order. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.5) 3: 459. [Phyllocarida]

Packard A.S. 1879b. Zoology for students and general readers. // American Science Series. / New York, Henry Holt: 1–719. [Palaeocarida, Neocarida]

Packard A.S. 1883. On the classification of the orders of Orthoptera and Neuroptera. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.5) 12(69): 145–154. [«Insecta», Elytrophora, Synaptera, Cinura, Platyptera]

Packard A.S. 1886a. A new arrangement of the orders of insects. // The American Naturalist 20(9): 808. [Plectoptera, Mecaptera]

Packard A.S. 1886b. Zoology for high schools and colleges. 5th ed., / New York. (Цитировано по: Packard 1889, 7th ed.). [Plectoptera, Mecaptera

Packard A.S. 1886c. On the class Podostomata, a group embracing Merostomata and Trilobites. // American Naturalist 20: 1060. [Podostomata]

Packard A.S. 1886d. I. On the Syncarida, a hitherto undescribed synthetic group of extinct malacostracous Crustacea. // Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 3: 123–128, Pl.1–2. [Syncarida]

Packard A.S. 1886e. On the nature and origin of the so-called «spiral thread» of tracheae. // The American Naturalist, Vol. 20, No. 5. pp. 438–442. [taenidium]

Packard A.S. 1895. On the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera. // Zoologischer Anzeiger 18(465): 228–236. [Laciniata, Protolepidoptera, Haustellata, Glossata, Palaeolepidoptera, Neolepidoptera]

*Packard A.S. 1898. A text-book of entomology / MacMillian Co., New York, London. 729 pp.

Packard A.S. 1903. Hints on the classification of the arthropoda: the group is a polyphyletic one. // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge 42(173): 142–161. [Palaeopoda, Pancarida, Entomoptera, Meropoda]

*Paclt J. 1957. Diplura. // In: Wytsman P. (ed.). Genera Insectorum, fasc.212. / Crainhem (Belgique): 1–123. 

*Paclt J. 1963. Thysanura. Fam. Nicoleniidae. // In: Wytsman P. (ed.). Genera Insectorum, fasc.216e. / Crainhem (Belgique): 1–58.

*Paclt J. 1967. Thysanura. Fam. Lepidotrichidae, Maindroniidae, Lepismatidae. // In: Wytsman P. (ed.). Genera Insectorum, fasc.218. / Crainhem (Belgique): 1–86.

Pages J. 1959. Remarques sur la classification des diploures. // Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie et de la Station Aquicole Grimaldi de la Faculte des Sciences de Dijon 26: 1–25. [Dicellurata]

Paiget E. 1869. Description d'un parasite d'elephant. // Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 12: 250–254. [«Haustellata»]

*Parker H.L. & Smith H.D. 1933. Additional notes on the strepsipteron Eoxenos laboulbeni Peyerimhoff. //Annals of the Entomological Society of America 26(2): 217–231, Pl. I, II.

*Parker H.L. & Smith H.D. 1934. Further notes on Eoxenos laboulbeni Peyer. with a description of the male. // Annals of the Entomological Society of America 27: 468–479.

*Patterson C. & Rosen D.E. 1977. Review of ichthyodectiform and other Mesozoic teleost fishes and the theory and practice of classifying fossils. // Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 158(2): 85–172.

*Paulus H.F. 1972. Die Feinstructur der Stirnaugen einiger Collembolen (Insecta, Entognatha) und ihre Bedeutung fur die Stammesgeschichte der Insecten. // Zeitschrift fuer Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 10(2): 81–122.

*Paulus H.F. 1979. Eye structure and the monophyly of the Arthropoda. // In: Gupta A.P. (ed.). Arthropod Phylogeny. / Van ostrand Reinhold Co.: 299–383. [Arachnata]

*Paulus H.F. 1989. Das Homologisieren in der Feinstructurforschung: das Bolwig-Organ der höheren Dipteren und seine Homologisierung mit Stemmata und Ommatidien eines ursprünglichen Fazettenaugen der Mandibulata. // Zoologische Beiträge (N.F.) 32(3): 437–478.

Pearman J.V. 1928. On sound production in the Psocoptera and on presumed stridulatory organ. //  Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 64: 179186.

Pearse A.S. 1936. Zoological names. A list of phyla, classes, and orders. / Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press: 1–24. [Malacostracia, Pauropodea, Symphylea, Diplopodea, Chilopodea, Myrientomatea, Proturida, Insectea, Thysanurida, Entotrophida, Collembolida, Pterygotida, Orthopterida, Isopterina, Zorapterina, Corrodentida, Mallophagida, Anoplurida, Thysanopterida, Heteropterida, Homopterida, Auchenorrhynchina, Sternorrhynchina, Coleorrhynchina, Pseudoneuropteria, Odonatida, Plecopterida, Coleopterida, Strepsipterida, Megalopterida, Neuropterida, Mecopterida, Trichoptrerida, Lepidopterida, Rhopalocerina, Hymenopterida, Dipterida, Nematocerina, Brachycerina, Siphonapterida]

Peletier – см. Le Peletier

*Pendergrast J.G. 1957. Studies on the reproductive organs of the Heteroptera with a concideration of their bearing on classification. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 109(1): 1–63.

Pennant T. 1777. British zoology. Vol.4. Crustacea, Mollusca, Testacea. // Warrington, Printed by W. Eyres, for B. White, London: 1–154, Pl.1–93. [«Crustacea»]

Pennak R.W. 1953. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States. / New York: The Ronald Press Company. [Cit.ex: Wiltshire C.Th. & Hazelwood D.H. 1972. Phyllopods of Missouri. // Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 78(3–4), Article 12: 70–72] [Eubranchiopoda, Oligobranchiopoda]

Pennak R.W. & Zinn D.J. 1943. Mystacocarida, a new order of Crustacea from intertidial beaches in Massachusetts and Connecticut. // Smithsonian Miscellanious Collections 103 (9): 1–11. [Mystacocarida]

*Penny N.D. 1975. Evolution of the extant Mecoptera. // Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 48(3): 331–350. 

*Penny N.D. 1977. A systematic study of the family Boreidae (Mecoptera). // Kansas University Science Bulletin 51(5): 141–217. 

Perty J.A.M. 1833. Delectus animalium articulatorum … // F.S.Hübschmann, Monachii & Fleischer, Lipsiae. [viii] + iii + 44 + 224 pp., 40 pls. (Цитировано по Sabrosky 1999). [Nemocerata]

*[Pesenko] Песенко Ю.А. 1989. Методологический анализ систематики. I. Постановка проблемы, основные таксономические школы. (Methodological analysis of systematics. I. Clarification of the problem, the main taxonomic schools). // В кн: Принципы и методы зоологической систематики (сборник статей, ред. Л.Я. Боркин.). (Ed. L.J. Borkin. Princilpes and methods in zoological systematics). // Труды Зоологического Института АН СССР, т.206. Ленинград (USSR Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Zoological Insitute, Leningrad, vol.206): 8–119. 

*[Pesenko] Песенко Ю.А. 1991. Методологический анализ систематики. II. Филогенетические реконструкции как научные гипотезы (Methodological analysis of systematics. II. Phylogenetic reconstructions as scientific hypotheses). // В кн: Асанович Т.А. (ред.). Теоретические аспекты зоогеографии и систематики. // Труды Зоологического Института, т.234. СПб (USSR Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Zoological Insitute, Sankt-Petersburg, vol.: 61–155.

Petrunkevitch A. 1946. Palaeozoic Arachnida of Illinois. // Scientific Papers of Illinois State Museum 3(2): 1–72. [Chelata, Malleolifera]

Petrunkevitch A. 1949. A study of the structure, classification and relationship of the Palaeozoic Arachnida. // Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 37: 69–315, pl. 1–83. [Latisterna, Labellata]

Peters R.S., Meusemann K., Petersen M., Mayer Ch., Wilbrandt J., Ziesmann T., Donath A., Kjer K.M., Aspock U., Aspock H., Aberer A., Stamatakis A., Friedrich F., Hunefeld F., Niehuis O., Beutel R.G. & Misof B. 2014. The evolutionary history of holometabolous insects inferred from transcriptome-based phylogeny and comprehensive morphological data. // BMC evolutionary biology 14: 52 (16 pp.) [Aparaglossata]

Pfau H.-K. 1991. Contributions of functional morphology to the phylogenetic systematic of Odonata. // Advances in Odonatology 5: 109–142. (Цитировано по: Lohmann 1996). [Palanisoptera, Neanisoptera]

*Pflugfelder O. 1937. Vergleichend-anatomische, experimentalle und embryologische Untersuchungen über das Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane der Rhynchoten. // Zoologica, Stuttgart 34(93): 1–102, Taf.I–XXV.

Pictet F.-J. 1854. Traite de Paleontologie ou histoire naturelle res animaux fossiles consideres dans leurs rapports zoologiques et geologicues. 2ed. T.1–4. [Gnathopodaria]

Pierce W.D. 1952. A new strepsipterous parasite of Membracidae. // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 51(1): 4–8. [Pupariata, Aleyrodoptera]

*Pilgrim R.L.C. 1972. The aquatic larva and the pupa of Choristella philpotti Tillyard, 1917 (Mecoptera: Nannochoristidae). // Pacifiс Insects 14(1): 151–168.

Pisani D., Poling L.L., Lyons-Weiler M. & Hedges S.B. 2004. The colonization of land by animals: molecular phylogeny and divergence times among arthropods. // BMC Biology 2: 1–10. [Myriochelata]

Pocock R.I. 1887. On the classification of the Diplopoda. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser.5) 20: 283–295. [«Chilognatha», Oniscomorpha, Helmintomorpha]

Pocock R.I. 1893a. On the classification of the Tracheate Atrhropoda. // Zoologischer Anzeiger 16: 271–275. [«Tracheata», Progoneata, Opisthogoneata, Homopoda]

Pocock R.I. 1893b. On the classification of the Tracheate Arthropoda – a correction. // Nature 49(1258): 124. [Progoneata, Opisthogoneata]

Pocock R.I. 1893c. On some points in the morphology of the Arachnida (s.s.) with notes on the classification of the group. // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser.6) 11(61): 1–19, pl.I–II. [Ctenophora, Lipoctena, Mycetophora, Caulogastra]

Pocock R.I. 1896. Chilopoda and Diplopoda. // Biologia Centrali-Americana (1910). 217p. Tab.1–15. [Anartiostigma, Artiostigma]

Pocock R.I. 1902. A new and annectant type of chilopod. // Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (N.S.) 45: 417–448. [Notostigma, Pleurostigma]

Pocock R.I. 1929. Arachnida. // Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14 ed., vol.2: 201–208. [Cucullata]

Poenicke H.-W. 1969. Über die postlarvale Entwicklung von Flöhen (Insecta, Siphonaptera) unter besonderen Berücksichtung der sogenannten «Flügelanlagen». // Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 65(2): 143–186.

Pohl H., Beutel R.G. & Kinzelbach R. 2005. Protoxenidae fam. nov. (Insecta, Strepsiptera) from Baltic amber – a ‘missing link’ in strepsipteran phylogeny. // Zoologica Scripta 34: 57–69. 

*Poinar G., Jr. 2000. Fossil onychophorans from Dominican and Baltic amber: Tertiapatus dominicanus n.g., n.sp. (Tertiapatidae n.fam.) and Succinopatopsis balticus n.g., n.sp. (Succinopatidae n.fam.) with a proposed classification of the subphylum Onychophora. // Invertebrate Biology 119 (1): 104–109.

*[Ponomarenko] Пономаренко А.Г. 1969. Историческое развитие жесткокрылых-архостемат. // Труды Палеонтологического Института АН СССР 125: 1–239. 

*[Ponomarenko] Пономаренко А.Г. 1973. О делении отряда жесткокрылых на подотряды. // Доклады на 24-м ежегодном чтении памяти Н.А. Холодковского 1–2 апреля 1971 г. Л., «Наука»: 64–77.

*Popham E.J. 1965. Towards a natural classification of the Dermaptera. // Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Entomology, London 1964: 114–115.

*[Popov] Попов Ю.А. 1971. Историческое развитие полужесткокрылых инфраотряда Nepomorpha (Heteroptera). // Труды Палеонтологического института АН СССР, т.129: 1–230, табл. I–IX.

*Popov Y.A. & Shcherbakov D.E. 1991. Mesozoic Peloridioidea and their ancestors (Insecta: Hemiptera, Coleorrhyncha). // Geologica et Palaeontologica 25: 215–235.

[Popova] Попова А.А. 1967. Типы приспособлений тлей к питанию на кормовых растениях. / Ленинград: «Наука»: 291 с.

$[Popova] Попова А.Н. 1953. Личинки стрекоз фауны СССР (Odonata). // Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АНСССР 50: 1–234.

*Potter E. 1938. Anatomy of the order Mecoptera. // Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 87: 467–501.

*Poyarkoff E. 1914. Essai d'une theorie de la nymphe des insectes holometaboles // Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale 54: 221–265.

Pratt H.S. 1897. Imaginal discs of insects // Psyche 8(250): 15–30.

Prell H. 1912. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Proturen. II. Anamerentoma und Holomerentoma, eine neue Einteilung der Hexapoden. // Zoologischer Anzeiger 39: 357–365. [Anamerentoma, Holomerentoma]

*Price R.D., Hellenthal R.A., Palma R.L., Johnson K.P. & Clayton D.H. 2003. The chewing lice. World checklist and biological overview. // Illinois Natural History Survey. Special publication 24: 1–501.

*Priesner H. 1949. Genera Thysanopterorum. Keys for the igentification of the genera of the order Thysanoptera. // Bulletin de la Societe Fouad ler d'Entomologie (Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d'Égypte) 33: 31–157.

*[Pritykina] Притыкина Л.Н. 1980. Отряд Libelluluda. Стрекозы. // В кн.: Расницын А.П. (ред.). Историческое развитие класса насекомых. // Труды Палеонтологического Института АН СССР 175: 128–134. 

*[Pritykina] Притыкина Л.Н. 1981. Новые триасовые стрекозы Средней Азии. // В кн.: Новые ископаемые насекомые с территории СССР. // Труды Палеонтологического Института АН СССР 183: 5–42. 

*[Pritykina] Притыкина Л.Н. 1989. Палеонтология и эволюция стрекоз. // В кн.: Мордкович В.Г. (ред.). Фауна и экология стрекоз. / Новосибирск, «Наука»: 33–59.

*Proszynski J. & Starega W. 1971. Katalog fauny Polski (Catalogus faunae Poloniae), Czesc 33. Pajaki – Aranei. / Polska Acad. Sci., Inst. Zool.,: 1–382.

Prunescu C.-C. 2006. A new classification of the class Chilopoda: subclass Ovodispersa and subclass Ovoconecta. // Norwegian Journal of Entomology 53: 401–402. [Ovodispersa, Ovoconecta]

*Purcell W.F. 1902. On the anatomy of Opisthopatus cinctipes, Purc., with notes on other, principally South African, Onychophora. // Annals of the South African Museum 2: 68–116, Pl.X–XII.