





C  U V W X Y Z

литература: U V W X Y Z русские



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Yager J. 1981. Remipedia, a new class of Crustacea from a marine cave in the Bahams. // Journal of Crustacean Biology 1: 328–333. [Remipedia]

*Yager J. & Humphreys W.F. 1996. Lasionectes exleyi sp. nov., the first Remipede Crustacean recorded from Australia and the Indian Ocean, with key to the world species. // Invertebrate Taxonomy 10: 171–187.

Yoshizawa K. 2002. Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’). // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 371–400.

Yoshizawa K. 2005. Morphology of Psocomorpha (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). // Insecta Matsumurana (N.S.) 62: 1–44.

Yoshizawa K. & Lienhard Ch. 2016. Bridging the gap between chewing and sucking in the hemipteroid insects: new insights from Cretaceous amber. // Zootaxa 4079 (2): 229–245. [Pancondylognatha]

*Yoshizawa K. & Saigusa T. 2003. Reinterpretations of clypeus and maxilla in Psocoptera, and their significance in phylogeny of Paraneoptera (Insecta: Neoptera). // Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 84: 33–40.



*Zacharuk R.Y. 1985. Antennae and sensilla. // In: Comprehensive insect physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. / Oxford, Pergamon press. Vol.6: 1–69.

Zacher F. 1910. Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Dermapteren. // Entomologische Rundschau 27(4): 24; (5): 29. [Protodermaptera]

*[Zachvatkin] Захваткин А.А. 1953. К вопросу о происхождении личинки Holometabola. // Сборник научных трудов. // Изд. Московского университета: 195–203. (Цитировано по: Шаров 1957б).

*[Zachvatkin] Захваткин Ю.А. 1975. Эмбриология насекомых. / Москва, «Высшая школа»: 1–327.

[Zalessky] Залесский Ю.М. 1931. О новом стрекозоподобном насекомом из пермских отложений бассейна реки Камы. // Известия АН СССР, отд. мат. и естеств. наук 6: 855–861. [Permodonata]

[Zalessky] Залесский Ю.М. 1932. О жилковании крыльев стрекоз и поденок и их филогенетическом развитии. // Известия АН СССР, отд. мат. и естеств. наук 10: 713–733. [Calopterycoptera]

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*[Zatsaranina] Зацаринина Г.В. 1972. Саянский алакурт (Dorcadia dorcadia Roth.; Aphaniptera: Vermipsyllidae) – вредитель пантового оленеводства. / Изд. Московского университета: 1–106. 

[Zavarzin, Kharazova & Molitvin] Заварзин А.А., Харазова А.Д., Молитвин М.Н. 1992. Биология клетки: общая цитология. / Изд. С.-Петербургского университета: 1–318.

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Zetterstedt J.W. 1928. Fauna insectorum Lapponica. Pars I. // Hammone, Libraria Schulziana: 1–563. [Gulaerostria, Frontirostria]

Zetterstedt J.W. 1842–1860. Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta. / Lundae, ex Officina Lundbergiana, sumtibus auctoris. T.1–14: 1–6609. [Brachycera]

*Zhang Z.-Q. (ed.) 2011. Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. // Zootaxa 3148: 1–237.

Zhang Q., Rasnitsyn A.P., Wang B. & Zhang H. 2018. Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: A review of the fauna. // Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 129(6): 736–747.

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*Zherikhin V.V. 2000. A new genus and species of Lophioneuridae from Burmese amber (Thripida (=Thysanoptera): Lophioneurina). // Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Geology) 56(1): 39–41. 

*Zompro O. 2001. The Phasmatodea and Raptophasma n. gen., Orthoptera incertae sedis, in Baltic amber (Insecta: Orthoptera). // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 85: 229–261.

Zompro O. 2004. Revision of the genera of the Areolatae incluging the status of Timema and Agathemera (Insecta, Phasmatodea). // Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftigen Vereins in Hamburg (N.F.) 37: 1–327. [Verophasmatodea]

Zompro O. 2005. Inter- and intra-ordinal relationships of the Mantophasmatodea, with comments on the phylogeny of polyneopteran orders (Insecta: Polyneoptera). // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 89: 85–116. [Oothecariformia]

Zrzavy J. 1990a. Evolution of antennal sclerites in Heteroptera (Insecta). // Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Biologica 34: 189–227. 

Zrzavy J. 1990b. Evolution of Hemiptera: an attempt at systematic approach. // Proc. 6th Int. symp. of scale insect studies, Cracow, August 6–12, 1990. / Agricult. Univ. Press, Cracow: 19–22. [Euhemiptera]

Zrzavy J. 1992a. Evolution of antennae and historical ecology of the hemipteran insects (Paraneoptera). // Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 89(2): 77–86. [Heteropterodea]

*Zrzavy J. 1992b. Morpogenesis of antennal exoskeleton in Heteroptera (Insecta): from phylogenetic to ontogenetic pattern. // Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 89(3): 205–216. 

Zrzavy J., Hypsa V. & Vlásková M. 1998. Arthropod phylogeny: taxonomic congruence, total evidence and conditional combination approaches to morphological and molecular data sets. // In: Fortey R.A. & Thomas R.H. (eds). Arthropod relationships. / Chapman & Hall, London: 97–107. [Cormogonida]

Zrzavy J. & Stys P. 1997. The basic body plan of arthropods: insights from evolutionary morphology and developmental biology. // Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10: 353–367. [Pancrustacea]

Zwick P. 1973. Plecoptera. Phylogenetisches System und Katalog. // Das Tierreich 94: 1–465. [«Antarctoperlaria», Arctoperlaria, Euholognatha]

*Zwick P. 2000. Phylogenetic system and zoogeography of the Plecoptera. // Annual Review of Entomology 45: 709–746.

*Zwick P. 2009. The Plecoptera – who are they? The problematic placement of stoneflies in the phylogenetic system of insects. // Aquatic Insects 31 (Suppl.1): 181–194.

Żyła D., Homan A., Franielczyk B. & Wegierek P. 2015. Revised concept of the fossil genus Oviparosiphum Shaposhnikov 1979 with the description of a new genus (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidomorpha). // ZooKeys 483: 9–22.